
  1. From the Navigator go to Security | System Preferences.
  2. Click on the Email option.

Two tabs are available; Email Settings and Email Preferences.

Email Settings

This tab activates payroll email functionality. Employees can receive payslips via email, and most reports can be emailed.

Email settings are per user - if you have more than one user on the system, these settings must be configured separately for each.

Activating Your Email Settings:

  1. On the Email Settings tab, complete the following information as required:
  2. Field Explanation
    POP 3 Settings
    Incoming Mail Server (POP) Currently not required
    Port By default this will be 110. Usually this would not need to be changed.
    Account Currently not required
    Password Currently not required
    Your email You should complete only your email. Enter your company email address - recipients of email addresses will reply to this address.
    SMTP Settings
    Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP)

    This is the name of the outgoing mail server. Ask your IT department for details.


    Check with your IT department. In most cases, the port is 25.

    Type If your email server is set up to accept anonymous logins, you can select none in this field.  You should not need to complete the two following fields, account and password.
    If your email server cannot accept anonymous logins, select simple login from the drop down list, then complete account and password. Refer to your IT department for the correct settings.
    Account Enter the user's (your) company email address here.
    Password Enter the password that is associated with the email account specified in ‘Account’.
    TLS/SSL Enable This is a security setting. The use of this depends on the receiving server settings. For example Gmail or Hotmail will require this to be enabled, but for Exchange Server it is optional. Check with your IT resources for more information.
  3. Once you have entered all the required information, click Apply.

Return to System Preferences.

Email Preferences

The Email Preferences tab is used to:

  • Include a confidentiality statement or disclaimer as part of emails
  • Set password protection and encryption for attachments

You can access Email Preferences in two ways:

  • On the Main Menu select Tools | System Preferences | Email Preferences
  • In Navigator select Security | System Preferences | Email Preferences

Once the Email Preferences tab is open you can set the following:

Field Explanation
Message Format Specify your preferred email format – the default is HTML.
Security (Reports)
Encrypt Attachments Check if you want to encrypt all emailed reports in a WinZip file. If you do not select this option, you will still be able to encrypt individual reports at the time of emailing them. The default is ‘Off’.
Use a default password To apply a system password to all encrypted attachments, select this box. Enter the password in the next field. Note: Only the Administrator login can set or amend this password.
Default Password Specify the password to be used.
Security (Pay Advices & Summaries)
Encrypt Attachments If you check this box, these items will be encrypted when emailed to employees. Each employee will be able to open the attachment by using their own password. The system will use the password specified on the security tab of each employee's file. (Enter a value which is known only to the employee, such as their mother's maiden name.)
The next two options apply to emailing large numbers of Pay Advices or ATO Payment Summaries. These two settings should only need to be changed if your organisation uses an external mail server such as Office 365 - Exchange Online. Please see your IT department if you are unsure.
No. of emails sent per batch The default number is 50; change this if necessary. Valid values are from 5 to 50.

For example, Office 365 specifies a maximum of 30 emails per minute throughout a company. Therefore leaving the batch number at 50 means it is likely that an error message will be generated during the email process.

Wait time between batches By default there is no wait time between sending batches of emails, however you can change this to a seconds value if necessary. Valid values are 0 to 120 seconds.

For example, Office 365 Exchange Online currently has a restriction of 30 emails per minute. In addition to setting the "No. of emails sent per batch" to a maximum of 30, you should also set a "Wait time between batches" of at least 60 seconds. This will ensure that no more than 30 emails are sent per minute.

Email Confidentiality Statement Check the ‘Include Statement’ box if you would like a confidentiality statement included at the end of your emails generated by HR3pay. You need to enter the text of your statement in the blank area provided.

Note: The Office 365 Exchange Online email restrictions are based on the total number of emails sent by your organisation, not just those sent by HR3pay. You may wish to get advice from your IT department for a batch size and wait time which is appropriate for your organisation and your hosted mail server provider.

Return to System Preferences.